Sunday, June 15, 2014

IKI Woodturners Club Meeting Minutes, June 8, 2014

Susan Hansen presented a mid-year written financial report. Our Club has a balance of $2,141.16.

Dan Davis gave an update on lathe shields. He contacted the AAW for advice.  We decided on clear 1/4" polycarbonate as our shield material. A prototype will be brought to the next meeting for review.

A booth hosted by Susan Hansen will be available for members to display and sell turnings at the Freedom Festival on June 14 & 15. There is room for approximately 30 turnings.  Feel free to contact Susan should you have an interest.

Rich Couture shared that the Southwest Indiana Arts Council is willing to display and promote 30 to 40 of the club's turnings.  After some discussion it was decided to accept their offer to display our works during the month of November; with the potential for a few to be held through December.  Rich will gather additional information regarding a possible reception and report back at the July meeting. The consensus was to pass on the opportunity to make it a juried event.

Rich also mentioned the Arts in the Parks wanted to know if we would be interested in having a booth in their exhibition on June 21.  The cost per booth would be $30.00.  Our membership declined due to the timing of the event and lack of ability to be prepared.   Larry “Joe” Pack mentioned he has an outside canopy & booth that he would make available to the club if the need arose.  Thanks Joe.

Rich has been in contact with the Old Mill group in Jasper about giving a demonstration at their facility. He will report back next meeting with regard to the timing and specifics of what will be available.

Flint Bone has agreed to make his photography booth available for members to have photos of their turnings taken at the July meeting.

Roger Domina presented a prototype of a brochure he’s working on that will feature our club and turnings.  Ideas are welcomed.

Don Ile demonstrated his sled and angle cutting jigs, as well as his homemade press used for making his segmented turnings.  Well done Don!
Dennis Young is looking for a demonstrator for the July meeting.  Please let him know if you have an interest.
Thanks again to those that brought in their work for show and tell.

Our meeting closed at 3:30pm.  Next meeting, Sunday, July 13th.

Keep turning!!

Wednesday, June 04, 2014

IKI Meeting Minutes May 18, 2014

Welcome to our guest; Sid Nelson! Come on back!
Thanks to everyone that participated in the Newburgh Central Library turning display. It was a great display of work and received many positive comments.
The Tri State Woodcarvers accepted our application to participate in this years "Wonders in Wood" event scheduled for October. In addition, they agreed to accommodate our request to have our display table located next to our lathe demonstrations. They did however, ask that we have a shield in place to prevent wood chips from flying into the spectator area, as well as to meet safety requirements. The club agreed to investigate options to accommodate their request. Dan Davis agreed to look into the possibility of making a plexiglass protector to go in front of demonstration lathes and to meet safety requirements.
We had a discussion about the possibility of making turned objects for veterans, spouses of soldiers deployed, etc. The group mulled over what objects would be of most benefit and left it that members were asked to think about it & bring their ideas to the next meeting.
Don Ile will demonstrate his home made segmented bowl sled/cutter as well as his press for segmented bowls at our June meeting.
Brian Hart did a demonstration on chatter & other decorative embellishment tools. Well done Brian - thanks!.
Don Taylor showed his hollow coring system using 1" square tubing and Sid Nelso his plastic flower, etc.
Thanks guys.
Our monthly meeting ended at 3:00pm.
Daniel Davis

June meeting notice

As a reminder, our next meeting is scheduled as follows:

IKI Woodturners
Sunday, June 8th
1:30 PM
Morningside Cumberland Presbyterian Church
 8419 Newburgh Road, Evansville, In 47715

Don Ile will demonstrate his home made segmented bowl sled/cutter, as well as his press for segmented bowls.

Please bring your turnings for show and tell.
