Thursday, September 10, 2015

IKI Woodturning Club Meeting Minutes, August9, 2015

The IKI Woodturners Club monthly meeting opened with the introduction of new member Tom Selecki, and visitor Jim Parnell from Madisonville, KY. 
Roger Domina reported our club's display at the Oaklyn library in Evansville has 33 turnings being displayed.
Roger also reminded us the Ohio Valley Woodturners have their annual symposium scheduled for Oct 9-12 west of Cincinnati.
John Small has a 12" lathe for sale, and  Rich Couture a 12" Delta lathe for sale.
Rich Couture mentioned the Old Mill in Jasper is willing to display items for sale. Call Rich for more information.
The Evansville Mayor's Award ceremony is coming up on August 20. Dennis Young & Keith Armstrong have volunteered to provide turning demonstrations at the Victory Theater from 6 to 8 pm.
Our club has had ongoing discussions on upgrading our lathe. It was voted and approved by the membership to purchased a Jet 1221VS lathe. They are listed at $799.00.  Dan Davis, Roger Domina, & Rich Couture were assigned to find the best pricing and make the purchase.
Bob Blanford mentioned the projector bulb is wearing out. Our club may need to consider getting a new projector in the future.
Roger Domina gave a very interesting demonstration on making a coffee scoop using a jig. It generated a lot of discussion. Thanks, Roger.
We had our monthly show & tell with several turnings.
Our meeting ended at 3:30pm.
Next month Dan Davis will do a demonstration.

IKI September Meeting Reminder

As a reminder, our next meeting is scheduled as follows:

IKI Woodturners
Sunday, September13th, 2015
1:30 PM
Morningside Cumberland Presbyterian Church

8419 Newburgh Road, Evansville, In 47715

Dan Davis will demonstrate how he turns an acorn box.                   

Please bring your turnings for show and tell.