Thursday, December 26, 2013

December meeting notes

December 15, 2013 1:30pm

The IKI Woodturners Club convened at the shop of Louis Duncan due to scheduling conflicts with the Morningside Presbyterian Church.     Thank you Louis for your hospitality.

Welcome to our visitors and fist time attendees.  We hope they will return.

As a reminder, dues for 2014 are due and were approved at $25.00 (of which $5 will be donated to the church).

The nominating committee offered the following slate of candidates:  Roger Domina, president, Susan Hansen, treasurer, Dan Davis, secretary, Dennis Young, V.P./Program Chair.  Motion made, seconded, and approved for this group to serve in these officer positions through 2014.  In addition, the following agreed to continue to serve as follows:  Librarian - Scott Allen, Media - Bob Blandford, Communications - Flint Bone, Membership Roster - Tom Rusche.

Toys and gifts to be donated to Deaconess Gateway Hospital Pediatrics were collected.   Thanks to all participants.

Dennis Young recommended the club purchase a mobile stand for the club lathe.  After discussion, the club voted to approve the purchase after which voted to authorize Dennis to make to purchase at a cost not to exceed $200.00.

Eric Gourieux gave a well received demonstration on turning a natural edge bowl out of Persimmon.   Eric left the perception that he "liked" the Powermatic lathe, however was unsuccessful in working out any kind of a trade with Louis.

Our meeting closed at 3:00pm.

Next meeting:   Sunday, January 12, 2014, 1:30 PM at Morningside Presbyterian Church.

Keep turning! 


Friday, December 13, 2013

December meeting notice.

As a reminder, our next meeting is scheduled as follows:

IKI Woodturners
Sunday, December 15th, 2013 
1:30 PM
As the Morningside Cumberland Presbyterian Church is not available this weekend, we'll plan to meet as follows:
Shop of:   Louis and Teri Duncan
100 Savannah Dr.
Newburgh, IN

This is the same shop we met at about a year ago when the church was not available.  Feel free to e-mail or call Dennis Young (812-779-7747 / or me (812-589-8689 / should you need directions. In addition, you may want to consider bringing a lawn chair for seating.

As a reminder:
    - please bring any toy's that you've made to distribute to kids for Christmas
    - the nominating committee comprised of Rich, Tom, and Dan will have a candidate slate from which to elect our officers for 2014
    - club dues for 2014 will be $25 (of which $5 will be donated to the Morningside Cumberland Presbyterian Church)

Eric Gourieux will be providing the demo (natural edge bowl).

Please bring your turnings for show and tell.
