December 14, 2014 1:30pm
Our club meeting opened with a report on the status of displaying our turnings at the SW Indianan Ar's Council in Evansville. Rich Couture reported that slow progress is being made in this regard as the coordinator for the Arts Council has delayed establishing a firm scheduled. Rich may talk to the president of the Arts Council to bring to conclusion if we will, or will not be displaying our turnings.
As a reminder, club dues for 2015 are $25.00 ($5 going to the church). Please plan to be prepared to provide your payment to Susan Hansen at the January meeting.
The Tennessee Woodturners Annual Symposium is scheduled for January 30 & 31, 2015 in Franklin, TN. They are well known for having an excellent show, so make your plans to be there soon. Early registration ends December 31,2014.
Rusty Welborn representing the he nominating committee for the 2015 club officers, reporting that the current officers agreed to serve in the same capacity for 2015. A motion was made, seconded, & voted on approving the following as officers for 2015: Susan Hansen - Treasurer; Dan Davis - Secretary, Dennis Young, Vice President/Program Chair, and Roger Domina - President.
The following also agreed to serve for another year: Roster Chair - Tom Rusche; Media - Bob Blanford; and Library - Scott Allen. In addition, our thanks to Flint Bone for his willingness to continue with our distribution list and administration of the IKI Blog.
Jerry Ziliak,Central American Hardwoods, has tentatively offered to do a presentation about his exotic wood business at his showroom in January. Roger will follow up with Jerry and advise if we will meet at Central American Hardwoods location for our January meeting versus the church.
Jim Scheu,Dusty Wood Warehouse, has tentatively agreed to attend our February meeting to discuss his business and offer some of his woods for sale.
In discussions, members reported that Triple A Hobby, Hobby Town, & Harbor Freight all have good prices on ca glue.
Dan Davis did a demonstration on turning a pewter finial. Good job, Dan.
In our show & tell segment, a mallet surfaced which was somewhat similar to the legendary mallet displayed at the 2014 "Wonders In Wood" show in October. Since details about the original plans for the mallet were sketchy at best (some say hoarded), an investigation followed. We found the original plans are in the 2004 Wood Magazine issue 156. If anyone needs a copy & can't find it, Dan will provide.
Please let Dennis Young know if you are willing to demo at the January, February, or March meetings.
Next meeting: January 11, 2015.
Keep turning.
Monday, December 22, 2014
Monday, December 08, 2014
IKI November Meeting Minutes 2014
November 9, 2014
1:30 PM
Welcome to visitors Thom Solecki and Kevin Holzmeyer - we hope you guys will come back!
The Wonders In Wood event at the National Guard Armory went very well. The new shields and signage was well received by the Wood Carvers. Great picture of Keith Armstrong in the Evansville paper!
The display at the SW Indiana Arts council has been postponed due to a scheduling conflict. We are now tentatively looking at the April time frame. Rich Couture will keep us informed as we move forward.
Reminder of the Tennessee Annual Symposium in Franklin, TN. The following link provides all details:
The lathe tool given to the club by Doc has been found and is now checked out by Rich Couture. Upon its return it will be available for others to check out.
Motion made, seconded, and approved to keep annual dues for the club at $25 for 2015. $5.00 of each members dues will be donated to the church for use of their facility.
After discussion, Rusty Welborn and Roger Domina agreed to serve as the nominating committee for the slate of candidates to be considered for the following officer positions during 2015: President, Vice President/Program Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer. Please let these guys know if you have an interest in filling any of these positions. We will plan to vote on the officers at our December meeting.
Jerry Zilliak was not available this month to speak to us regarding his exotic wood business. Both he and Jim Scheu from Dusty Woods will be scheduled to join us in the near future.
Don Johnson still has IKI caps and shirts available: Hats: $10.75 ea, Shirts with IKI log only: $11:00, and with the IKI logo and name: $13.50 ea. Let Don know if you're interested.
Thanks to Dennis Young for making the "yoga mat" pads available for use with reverse chucking.
Thanks to Dallas James for a great demo of how to turn a "Carrot Pen". Great gift idea!
As the church is in use on December 14, we will plan to have our December meeting at the shop of Louis and Teri Duncan; i.e. 100 Savannah Dr., Newburgh, IN.
Have a great Thanksgiving with your family's and we'll see you in December.
Keep turning,
Roger - for Dan (best wishes for a quick recovery Dan!)
December IKI Meeting Reminder
As a reminder, our next meeting is scheduled as follows:
IKI Woodturners
Sunday, December 14, 2014
1:30 PM
We will meet at the shop of Louis and Terri Duncan; i.e. 100 Savannah Dr., Newburgh, IN. (bring a lawn chair)
Dan Davis will demo the turning of pewter finial.
Reminder: 2015 dues are set at $25 with $5 of each going to the church.
Please bring your turnings for show and tell.
IKI Woodturners
Sunday, December 14, 2014
1:30 PM
We will meet at the shop of Louis and Terri Duncan; i.e. 100 Savannah Dr., Newburgh, IN. (bring a lawn chair)
Dan Davis will demo the turning of pewter finial.
Reminder: 2015 dues are set at $25 with $5 of each going to the church.
Please bring your turnings for show and tell.
Thursday, November 06, 2014
IKI meeting minutes October 2014
October 12, 2014
1:30 pm
We welcomed Bob Zimmerman to our October meeting. We haven't seen Bob in awhile. Also, visitors Merle & Darlene Koberstein attended. Welcome, all.
Everything seems to be on schedule for the Wonders in Wood Show scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, October 25 & 26. We are encouraged to be at the National Guard Armory by no later than 8:30 Saturday morning to set up. The show runs from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm on Saturday, and from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm on Sunday.
1:30 pm
We welcomed Bob Zimmerman to our October meeting. We haven't seen Bob in awhile. Also, visitors Merle & Darlene Koberstein attended. Welcome, all.
Everything seems to be on schedule for the Wonders in Wood Show scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, October 25 & 26. We are encouraged to be at the National Guard Armory by no later than 8:30 Saturday morning to set up. The show runs from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm on Saturday, and from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm on Sunday.
The SW Indiana Arts Council display of our turnings is coming up in December.
At the November meeting we will vote on club dues for 2015, and form a nominating committee to develop a slate of candidates to serve as officers for calendar year 2015.
There was a motion made to forgo dues for new members until the beginning of the year. The motion was approved by a vote of those present.
Susan Hansen, our treasurer, reported a balance of $2100.43.
The lathe chuck our club bought from Rich Couture will be available at the next meeting.
Don Johnson showed a cap he had embroidered with the club logo and then took orders for those interested. He also had smocks with the same logo. Very nice and thanks, Don.
Dallas James volunteered to demonstrate at the next meeting. Dan Davis will be backup. It was suggested we arrange for Jerry Ziliack to attend the November meeting to share his knowledge of exotic woods and discuss his business. Roger will contact Jerry.
Brian Hart gave a very interesting demonstration on making Christmas tree ornaments out of sea urchins. Well done and thanks, Brian.
Our meeting concluded at 3:00pm.
Keep turning!
At the November meeting we will vote on club dues for 2015, and form a nominating committee to develop a slate of candidates to serve as officers for calendar year 2015.
There was a motion made to forgo dues for new members until the beginning of the year. The motion was approved by a vote of those present.
Susan Hansen, our treasurer, reported a balance of $2100.43.
The lathe chuck our club bought from Rich Couture will be available at the next meeting.
Don Johnson showed a cap he had embroidered with the club logo and then took orders for those interested. He also had smocks with the same logo. Very nice and thanks, Don.
Dallas James volunteered to demonstrate at the next meeting. Dan Davis will be backup. It was suggested we arrange for Jerry Ziliack to attend the November meeting to share his knowledge of exotic woods and discuss his business. Roger will contact Jerry.
Brian Hart gave a very interesting demonstration on making Christmas tree ornaments out of sea urchins. Well done and thanks, Brian.
Our meeting concluded at 3:00pm.
Keep turning!
IKI November meeting reminder.
As a reminder, our next meeting is scheduled as follows:
IKI Woodturners
Sunday, November 9th
1:30 PM
Morningside Cumberland Presbyterian Church
8419 Newburgh Road, Evansville, In 47715
Dan Davis will demo the turning of pewter finial.
Please bring your turnings for show and tell.
IKI Woodturners
Sunday, November 9th
1:30 PM
Morningside Cumberland Presbyterian Church
8419 Newburgh Road, Evansville, In 47715
Dan Davis will demo the turning of pewter finial.
Please bring your turnings for show and tell.
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Tuesday, October 07, 2014
IKI September Meeting Minutes 2014
DanTom Ubelhor attended our meeting; good to see you again, Tom.
Rich Couture gave us an update from the Evansville Art Council. They have shifted the display of our turnings to Mid-November through Mid-December with a possible juried trial & holiday sale of some of our work.
The Wonder in Wood exposition will be on October 25 & 26, at the National Guard Amory. We will have 2 lathes demonstrating at our usual location. All members are encouraged to join in the demonstrations.
It was agreed that we should arrange to have Jerry Ziliak attend an upcoming meeting to share his knowledge and experience with exotic woods. And, to provide information about his Evansville based business of selling and distributing his exotic woods world wide.
Don Johnson designed & had created new banners with orange, red, & blue colors on our state logos representing Illinois, Indiana, & Kentucky respectively. The motion was made & seconded to pay $96.30 for the banners which will fit the lathe shields. The club also voted to change our official logo to include the color change.
Motion was made & seconded to purchase a Super Nova II chuck from Rich Couture for $150.00.
Keith Armstrong gave a demonstration on turning a bell with clapper, for Christmas tree ornament. The demonstration was very interesting & well received. Thanks, Keith.
Our members had a show & tell of the turnings they brought to the meeting.
Brian Hart will provide the demo at the October 12, meeting.
We closed our meeting at 3:00pm.
Keep turning!
Rich Couture gave us an update from the Evansville Art Council. They have shifted the display of our turnings to Mid-November through Mid-December with a possible juried trial & holiday sale of some of our work.
The Wonder in Wood exposition will be on October 25 & 26, at the National Guard Amory. We will have 2 lathes demonstrating at our usual location. All members are encouraged to join in the demonstrations.
It was agreed that we should arrange to have Jerry Ziliak attend an upcoming meeting to share his knowledge and experience with exotic woods. And, to provide information about his Evansville based business of selling and distributing his exotic woods world wide.
Don Johnson designed & had created new banners with orange, red, & blue colors on our state logos representing Illinois, Indiana, & Kentucky respectively. The motion was made & seconded to pay $96.30 for the banners which will fit the lathe shields. The club also voted to change our official logo to include the color change.
Motion was made & seconded to purchase a Super Nova II chuck from Rich Couture for $150.00.
Keith Armstrong gave a demonstration on turning a bell with clapper, for Christmas tree ornament. The demonstration was very interesting & well received. Thanks, Keith.
Our members had a show & tell of the turnings they brought to the meeting.
Brian Hart will provide the demo at the October 12, meeting.
We closed our meeting at 3:00pm.
Keep turning!
IKI October Meeting 2014
As a reminder, our next meeting is scheduled as follows:
IKI Woodturners
Sunday, October 12th
1:30 PM
Morningside Cumberland Presbyterian Church
8419 Newburgh Road, Evansville, In 47715
Brian Hart will be providing the demo this month..
Please bring your turnings for show and tell.
IKI Woodturners
Sunday, October 12th
1:30 PM
Morningside Cumberland Presbyterian Church
8419 Newburgh Road, Evansville, In 47715
Brian Hart will be providing the demo this month..
Please bring your turnings for show and tell.
Saturday, September 13, 2014
September meeting notice
As a reminder, our next meeting is scheduled as follows:
IKI Woodturners
Sunday, September 14th
1:30 PM
Morningside Cumberland Presbyterian Church
8419 Newburgh Road, Evansville, In 47715
Keith Armstrong will be demoing the turning of a Christmas Tree ornament.
Please bring your turnings for show and tell.
IKI Woodturners
Sunday, September 14th
1:30 PM
Morningside Cumberland Presbyterian Church
8419 Newburgh Road, Evansville, In 47715
Keith Armstrong will be demoing the turning of a Christmas Tree ornament.
Please bring your turnings for show and tell.
Saturday, August 30, 2014
IKI August 2014 Meeting Minutes
Club members reported that the Old Mill demonstration in Jasper was a success. Two lathes were set up & demonstrating from 10:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M.
Dan Davis informed the club that the second lathe shield cost is $150.00, well under the projected cost of $175.00. Discussion was held in regard to having IKI signage to go on the front of each shield stand. Further update and discussion next month.
Roger provide copies of the final IKI brochure - will have multiple copies made to make available at upcoming events.
Upcoming activity:
- "Wonders In Wood" event at the National Guard Armory; October 25th and 26th.
- Plans are to the club display our works at the SW Indiana Arts Council during November. Rich will be providing additional information in this regard.
Eric Gourieux gave a demonstration on grain orientation. It generated a great deal of interest. Thanks Eric.
Our September meeting will feature a demonstration from Brian Hart.
Our meeting closed at 3:00 pm.
Next meeting: Sunday, September 14
Keep turning!
Dan Davis informed the club that the second lathe shield cost is $150.00, well under the projected cost of $175.00. Discussion was held in regard to having IKI signage to go on the front of each shield stand. Further update and discussion next month.
Roger provide copies of the final IKI brochure - will have multiple copies made to make available at upcoming events.
Upcoming activity:
- "Wonders In Wood" event at the National Guard Armory; October 25th and 26th.
- Plans are to the club display our works at the SW Indiana Arts Council during November. Rich will be providing additional information in this regard.
Eric Gourieux gave a demonstration on grain orientation. It generated a great deal of interest. Thanks Eric.
Our September meeting will feature a demonstration from Brian Hart.
Our meeting closed at 3:00 pm.
Next meeting: Sunday, September 14
Keep turning!
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Saturday, August 09, 2014
IKI July 2014 Meeting Minutes
New visitors Allen Iker, Ray Bailey, & Rusty Welbourne attended our meeting today. Welcome to all!
Flint Bone brought his photography setup for all who wanted their turnings photographed. Thanks Flint - we appreciate it.
Rich Couture got the okay from the Evansville Arts & Crafts Council for our November display of the Club's turnings.
Rich updated the club on our opportunity to demonstrate wood turning on the porch of the Jasper City Mill on Saturday, August 2, from10am to 2pm CDT.. This date coincides with the Strassfest. We are able to display turnings for sale as well. Please contact Rich if you plan to participate.
Brian Hart brought in some blackwood stock which was made available for sale.
The Honors Flight for WWII Veterans is schedule for October 25 ,2014. This event flies WWII veterans from Evansville to Washington, D.C. for the day in which the 70 or so veterans and their guardians will visit monuments, etc. A great opportunity to say "thanks" and "give back". For more information visit
Dan Davis & Don Johnson brought a prototype lathe shield to the meeting. The membership liked it. Dan & Don donated the first one, & estimated the second one to cost approximately $160.00 to $175.00. The club membership voted to allot up to $175.00 for the second lathe shield.
Dennis Young did a demonstration on making a lidded box. It was very well done.
Eric agreed to demo at the August meeting and Brian in September.
Show & Tell was exceptionally interesting, with Eric Gourieux showing 3 turned hats, & Keith Armstrong making a huge winged vessel, among other items shown.
Our meeting ended at 3:00pm.
Next meeting: August 10th
Keep turning!
Flint Bone brought his photography setup for all who wanted their turnings photographed. Thanks Flint - we appreciate it.
Rich Couture got the okay from the Evansville Arts & Crafts Council for our November display of the Club's turnings.
Rich updated the club on our opportunity to demonstrate wood turning on the porch of the Jasper City Mill on Saturday, August 2, from10am to 2pm CDT.. This date coincides with the Strassfest. We are able to display turnings for sale as well. Please contact Rich if you plan to participate.
Brian Hart brought in some blackwood stock which was made available for sale.
The Honors Flight for WWII Veterans is schedule for October 25 ,2014. This event flies WWII veterans from Evansville to Washington, D.C. for the day in which the 70 or so veterans and their guardians will visit monuments, etc. A great opportunity to say "thanks" and "give back". For more information visit
Dan Davis & Don Johnson brought a prototype lathe shield to the meeting. The membership liked it. Dan & Don donated the first one, & estimated the second one to cost approximately $160.00 to $175.00. The club membership voted to allot up to $175.00 for the second lathe shield.
Dennis Young did a demonstration on making a lidded box. It was very well done.
Eric agreed to demo at the August meeting and Brian in September.
Show & Tell was exceptionally interesting, with Eric Gourieux showing 3 turned hats, & Keith Armstrong making a huge winged vessel, among other items shown.
Our meeting ended at 3:00pm.
Next meeting: August 10th
Keep turning!
August meeting notice.
As a reminder, our next meeting is scheduled as follows:
IKI Woodturners
Sunday, August 10th
1:30 PM
Morningside Cumberland Presbyterian Church
8419 Newburgh Road, Evansville, In 47715
Eric Gourieux plans to bring some colored pencil glue ups and demonstrating gouge direction in relation to wood grain on various pieces.
Please bring your turnings for show and tell.
IKI Woodturners
Sunday, August 10th
1:30 PM
Morningside Cumberland Presbyterian Church
8419 Newburgh Road, Evansville, In 47715
Eric Gourieux plans to bring some colored pencil glue ups and demonstrating gouge direction in relation to wood grain on various pieces.
Please bring your turnings for show and tell.
Monday, July 28, 2014
IKI Woodturner Club Meeting Minutes, July 13, 2014
New visitors Allen Iker, Ray Bailey, & Rusty Welbourne attended our meeting today. Welcome to all!
Flint Bone brought his photography setup for all who wanted their turnings photographed. Thanks Flint - we appreciate it.
Rich Couture got the okay from the Evansville Arts & Crafts Council for our November display of the Club's turnings.
Rich updated the club on our opportunity to demonstrate wood turning on the porch of the Jasper City Mill on Saturday, August 2, from10am to 2pm CDT.. This date coincides with the Strassfest. We are able to display turnings for sale as well. Please contact Rich if you plan to participate.
Brian Hart brought in some blackwood stock which was made available for sale.
The Honors Flight for WWII Veterans is schedule for October 25 ,2014. This event flies WWII veterans from Evansville to Washington, D.C. for the day in which the 70 or so veterans and their guardians will visit monuments, etc. A great opportunity to say "thanks" and "give back". For more information visit
Dan Davis & Don Johnson brought a prototype lathe shield to the meeting. The membership liked it. Dan & Don donated the first one, & estimated the second one to cost approximately $160.00 to $175.00. The club membership voted to allot up to $175.00 for the second lathe shield.
Dennis Young did a demonstration on making a lidded box. It was very well done.
Eric agreed to demo at the August meeting and Brian in September.
Show & Tell was exceptionally interesting, with Eric Gourieux showing 3 turned hats, & Keith Armstrong making a huge winged vessel, among other items shown.
Our meeting ended at 3:00pm.
Next meeting: August 10th
Keep turning!
Flint Bone brought his photography setup for all who wanted their turnings photographed. Thanks Flint - we appreciate it.
Rich Couture got the okay from the Evansville Arts & Crafts Council for our November display of the Club's turnings.
Rich updated the club on our opportunity to demonstrate wood turning on the porch of the Jasper City Mill on Saturday, August 2, from10am to 2pm CDT.. This date coincides with the Strassfest. We are able to display turnings for sale as well. Please contact Rich if you plan to participate.
Brian Hart brought in some blackwood stock which was made available for sale.
The Honors Flight for WWII Veterans is schedule for October 25 ,2014. This event flies WWII veterans from Evansville to Washington, D.C. for the day in which the 70 or so veterans and their guardians will visit monuments, etc. A great opportunity to say "thanks" and "give back". For more information visit
Dan Davis & Don Johnson brought a prototype lathe shield to the meeting. The membership liked it. Dan & Don donated the first one, & estimated the second one to cost approximately $160.00 to $175.00. The club membership voted to allot up to $175.00 for the second lathe shield.
Dennis Young did a demonstration on making a lidded box. It was very well done.
Eric agreed to demo at the August meeting and Brian in September.
Show & Tell was exceptionally interesting, with Eric Gourieux showing 3 turned hats, & Keith Armstrong making a huge winged vessel, among other items shown.
Our meeting ended at 3:00pm.
Next meeting: August 10th
Keep turning!
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Saturday, July 12, 2014
IKI July 2014 Meeting
As a reminder, our next meeting is scheduled as follows:
IKI Woodturners
Sunday, July 13th
1:30 PM
Morningside Cumberland Presbyterian Church
8419 Newburgh Road, Evansville, In 47715
Dennis Young will demonstrate turning a bowl (and possibly a lid to go with it).
Also as a reminder, Flint Bone will have this photo both available for members to have photos taken of their turnings and Phil will bring some of the tools he is selling for his friend.
Please bring your turnings for show and tell.
IKI Woodturners
Sunday, July 13th
1:30 PM
Morningside Cumberland Presbyterian Church
8419 Newburgh Road, Evansville, In 47715
Dennis Young will demonstrate turning a bowl (and possibly a lid to go with it).
Also as a reminder, Flint Bone will have this photo both available for members to have photos taken of their turnings and Phil will bring some of the tools he is selling for his friend.
Please bring your turnings for show and tell.
Sunday, June 15, 2014
IKI Woodturners Club Meeting Minutes, June 8, 2014
Susan Hansen presented a mid-year written financial report. Our Club has a balance of $2,141.16.
Dan Davis gave an update on lathe shields. He contacted the AAW for advice. We decided on clear 1/4" polycarbonate as our shield material. A prototype will be brought to the next meeting for review.
A booth hosted by Susan Hansen will be available for members to display and sell turnings at the Freedom Festival on June 14 & 15. There is room for approximately 30 turnings. Feel free to contact Susan should you have an interest.
Rich Couture shared that the Southwest Indiana Arts Council is willing to display and promote 30 to 40 of the club's turnings. After some discussion it was decided to accept their offer to display our works during the month of November; with the potential for a few to be held through December. Rich will gather additional information regarding a possible reception and report back at the July meeting. The consensus was to pass on the opportunity to make it a juried event.
Rich also mentioned the Arts in the Parks wanted to know if we would be interested in having a booth in their exhibition on June 21. The cost per booth would be $30.00. Our membership declined due to the timing of the event and lack of ability to be prepared. Larry “Joe” Pack mentioned he has an outside canopy & booth that he would make available to the club if the need arose. Thanks Joe.
Rich has been in contact with the Old Mill group in Jasper about giving a demonstration at their facility. He will report back next meeting with regard to the timing and specifics of what will be available.
Flint Bone has agreed to make his photography booth available for members to have photos of their turnings taken at the July meeting.
Roger Domina presented a prototype of a brochure he’s working on that will feature our club and turnings. Ideas are welcomed.
Don Ile demonstrated his sled and angle cutting jigs, as well as his homemade press used for making his segmented turnings. Well done Don!
Dan Davis gave an update on lathe shields. He contacted the AAW for advice. We decided on clear 1/4" polycarbonate as our shield material. A prototype will be brought to the next meeting for review.
A booth hosted by Susan Hansen will be available for members to display and sell turnings at the Freedom Festival on June 14 & 15. There is room for approximately 30 turnings. Feel free to contact Susan should you have an interest.
Rich Couture shared that the Southwest Indiana Arts Council is willing to display and promote 30 to 40 of the club's turnings. After some discussion it was decided to accept their offer to display our works during the month of November; with the potential for a few to be held through December. Rich will gather additional information regarding a possible reception and report back at the July meeting. The consensus was to pass on the opportunity to make it a juried event.
Rich also mentioned the Arts in the Parks wanted to know if we would be interested in having a booth in their exhibition on June 21. The cost per booth would be $30.00. Our membership declined due to the timing of the event and lack of ability to be prepared. Larry “Joe” Pack mentioned he has an outside canopy & booth that he would make available to the club if the need arose. Thanks Joe.
Rich has been in contact with the Old Mill group in Jasper about giving a demonstration at their facility. He will report back next meeting with regard to the timing and specifics of what will be available.
Flint Bone has agreed to make his photography booth available for members to have photos of their turnings taken at the July meeting.
Roger Domina presented a prototype of a brochure he’s working on that will feature our club and turnings. Ideas are welcomed.
Don Ile demonstrated his sled and angle cutting jigs, as well as his homemade press used for making his segmented turnings. Well done Don!
Dennis Young is looking for a demonstrator for the July meeting. Please let him know if you have an interest.
Thanks again to those that brought in their work for show and tell.
Our meeting closed at 3:30pm. Next meeting, Sunday, July 13th.
Keep turning!!
Wednesday, June 04, 2014
IKI Meeting Minutes May 18, 2014
Welcome to our guest; Sid Nelson! Come on back!
Thanks to everyone that participated in the Newburgh Central Library turning display. It was a great display of work and received many positive comments.
The Tri State Woodcarvers accepted our application to participate in this years "Wonders in Wood" event scheduled for October. In addition, they agreed to accommodate our request to have our display table located next to our lathe demonstrations. They did however, ask that we have a shield in place to prevent wood chips from flying into the spectator area, as well as to meet safety requirements. The club agreed to investigate options to accommodate their request. Dan Davis agreed to look into the possibility of making a plexiglass protector to go in front of demonstration lathes and to meet safety requirements.
We had a discussion about the possibility of making turned objects for veterans, spouses of soldiers deployed, etc. The group mulled over what objects would be of most benefit and left it that members were asked to think about it & bring their ideas to the next meeting.
Don Ile will demonstrate his home made segmented bowl sled/cutter as well as his press for segmented bowls at our June meeting.
Brian Hart did a demonstration on chatter & other decorative embellishment tools. Well done Brian - thanks!.
Don Taylor showed his hollow coring system using 1" square tubing and Sid Nelso his plastic flower, etc.
Thanks guys.
Our monthly meeting ended at 3:00pm.
Daniel Davis
Our monthly meeting ended at 3:00pm.
Daniel Davis
June meeting notice
As a reminder, our next meeting is scheduled as follows:
IKI Woodturners
Sunday, June 8th
1:30 PM
Morningside Cumberland Presbyterian Church
8419 Newburgh Road, Evansville, In 47715
Don Ile will demonstrate his home made segmented bowl sled/cutter, as well as his press for segmented bowls.
Please bring your turnings for show and tell.
Friday, May 09, 2014
IKI Woodturning Club meeting minutes4/13/2014
1:30PM - April 13, 2014
The IKI Woodturners Club convened at Terri & Louis Duncan's shop. Thanks to you guys for sharing your shop once again.
Welcome to our visitors: George Hatfield, Dick Melton, and Don Taylor. We hope you will all come back.
Rich Couture has not yet heard anything further about demoing for a Jasper, IN sawmill. He will let us know when it gets scheduled.
Rich reported the Arts Council of SW Indiana expressed an interest in our club exhibiting turnings at their gallery in downtown Evansville. The group agreed this would be good so Rich will pursue further and report back at a future meeting.
Dennis Young announced the Louisville Woodturning Club is having a symposium the 2nd Saturday in May. Costs are $25.00 per person.
It was mentioned that a new company, Exotic Woods, has opened at 813 E. Franklin in Evansville. They offer exotic woods for turning.
Dallas James reminded the club of the need to ensure we've donated $5.00 of each paid membeship
to the Morningside Cumberland Presbyterian Church. The club donated $100 in 2013 and has approved $100 to be paid in 2014. Susan will check the final paid roster for last year and thus far this year, and make the donation catch up as appropriate.
Scott Allen showed the group the new "Steady Rest" recently purchased. Looked very slick and at a decent price.
Don Lile is looking for a good used lathe for the shop at their winter home in Florida. Preferably a PowerMatic, however any good solid lathe will be considered. Please let Don know if you know of one that comes available.
Eric Gourieux demonstrated his big boring bar system to hollow out large vessels. Terrific demonstration.
Meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m. after which members placed their turnings on display at the Central Library in Newburgh. Thanks to all that are participatating - a fabulous display and good visibility for our group. As a reminder, they are to be removed by May 4th.
Next month's demonstration will be Brian Hart demonstrating texturing and use of a chatter tool.
Keep turning!
The IKI Woodturners Club convened at Terri & Louis Duncan's shop. Thanks to you guys for sharing your shop once again.
Welcome to our visitors: George Hatfield, Dick Melton, and Don Taylor. We hope you will all come back.
Rich Couture has not yet heard anything further about demoing for a Jasper, IN sawmill. He will let us know when it gets scheduled.
Rich reported the Arts Council of SW Indiana expressed an interest in our club exhibiting turnings at their gallery in downtown Evansville. The group agreed this would be good so Rich will pursue further and report back at a future meeting.
Dennis Young announced the Louisville Woodturning Club is having a symposium the 2nd Saturday in May. Costs are $25.00 per person.
It was mentioned that a new company, Exotic Woods, has opened at 813 E. Franklin in Evansville. They offer exotic woods for turning.
Dallas James reminded the club of the need to ensure we've donated $5.00 of each paid membeship
to the Morningside Cumberland Presbyterian Church. The club donated $100 in 2013 and has approved $100 to be paid in 2014. Susan will check the final paid roster for last year and thus far this year, and make the donation catch up as appropriate.
Scott Allen showed the group the new "Steady Rest" recently purchased. Looked very slick and at a decent price.
Don Lile is looking for a good used lathe for the shop at their winter home in Florida. Preferably a PowerMatic, however any good solid lathe will be considered. Please let Don know if you know of one that comes available.
Eric Gourieux demonstrated his big boring bar system to hollow out large vessels. Terrific demonstration.
Meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m. after which members placed their turnings on display at the Central Library in Newburgh. Thanks to all that are participatating - a fabulous display and good visibility for our group. As a reminder, they are to be removed by May 4th.
Next month's demonstration will be Brian Hart demonstrating texturing and use of a chatter tool.
Keep turning!
May meeting notice.
As a reminder, IKI Woodturners will not meet this Sunday due to it being Mothers Day.
Rather, we will meet on Sunday, May 18th at the church.
Rather, we will meet on Sunday, May 18th at the church.
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Saturday, April 12, 2014
April meeting.
As a reminder, our next meeting is scheduled as follows:
IKI Woodturners
Sunday, April 13th, 2014
1:30 PM
Shop of: Louis and Teri Duncan
100 Savannah Dr., Newburgh, IN
As a reminder, we'll be wrapping our meeting up near 3:00PM such that we can go to the Central Library in Newburgh to place our turnings in the display cases. If you're planning to display a turning(s) at the library and have not yet provided me the title of your turnings, type of wood, and name, please do so prior the 13th such that I can make up the Name Tent to go with it. I can be reached at, cell 812-589-8689![]()
An example name tent is:"Square Edged Bowl", Maple and Wenge, Dallas James. At this point we have 7 turnings to display and expect to have room for about 30.
Eric Gourieux will be providing the demo using his large boring bar system.
Please bring your turnings for show and tell.
IKI Woodturners
Sunday, April 13th, 2014
1:30 PM
Shop of: Louis and Teri Duncan
100 Savannah Dr., Newburgh, IN
As a reminder, we'll be wrapping our meeting up near 3:00PM such that we can go to the Central Library in Newburgh to place our turnings in the display cases. If you're planning to display a turning(s) at the library and have not yet provided me the title of your turnings, type of wood, and name, please do so prior the 13th such that I can make up the Name Tent to go with it. I can be reached at, cell 812-589-8689
Eric Gourieux will be providing the demo using his large boring bar system.
Please bring your turnings for show and tell.
Sunday, March 23, 2014
IKI Woodturning Club Meeting Minutes 3/9/2014
The IKI Woodturner's Club opened our meeting at the Morningside Church.
Welcome to K.E. for joining us this month. We hope you'll come back!
Our demonstration lathe system was improved with the purchase of a heavy-duty extension cord, electrical strip, and drive spur. Costs were kept under the estimated amount.
Our club received a letter from the Tri-State Woodcarvers Club inviting us to exhibit at the Wonders in Wood Show and Sell scheduled for October 25 & 26, 2014 at the National Guard Armory. We have been a mainstay at this event for several years. Keith Armstrong suggested we request our table be placed next to our demonstration lathes. Roger Domina will make this request when sending in our registration and fee of $30 for an 8' table.
The Newburgh Central Library will display turnings by our club from April 13 to May 4, 2014. As our next meeting is scheduled for April 13, all those wishing to have their turnings displayed are asked to bring them to the meeting. We'll plan to conclude the meeting by 3:00 pm and then head to the library to set up the displays. All those planning to display turnings are to get the title of their piece(s), type of wood, and name to Roger Domina in advance of April 13th such that the name tents can be printed An example is:"Square Edged Bowl", Maple and Wenge, Dallas James.
Rich Couture was recently in contact with a Jasper, Indiana saw mill. They are wanting a demonstration of woodturning techniques and will let Rich know of the date. A number of members indicated an interest in participating.
Dennis Young will contact Louis Duncan about the possibility of hosting the April club meeting as Eric Gourieux will need a big lathe for his demonstration. Brian Hart agreed to do a demonstration on chatter tools at the May meeting.
Susan Hansen will plan to request our meeting notice be placed in the Evansville paper going forward.
Demonstration: Roger Domina demonstrated a "poor man's sphere jig" he made; as well as the use of the Beal Buffing system.
Very good show and tell this month. Thanks to all that brought in their turnings.
Our meeting ended at 3:15pm.
See you next meeting. Don't forget to bring your showpieces for exhibit at the Newburgh Central Library!
And, as always, keep turning!
Welcome to K.E. for joining us this month. We hope you'll come back!
Our demonstration lathe system was improved with the purchase of a heavy-duty extension cord, electrical strip, and drive spur. Costs were kept under the estimated amount.
Our club received a letter from the Tri-State Woodcarvers Club inviting us to exhibit at the Wonders in Wood Show and Sell scheduled for October 25 & 26, 2014 at the National Guard Armory. We have been a mainstay at this event for several years. Keith Armstrong suggested we request our table be placed next to our demonstration lathes. Roger Domina will make this request when sending in our registration and fee of $30 for an 8' table.
The Newburgh Central Library will display turnings by our club from April 13 to May 4, 2014. As our next meeting is scheduled for April 13, all those wishing to have their turnings displayed are asked to bring them to the meeting. We'll plan to conclude the meeting by 3:00 pm and then head to the library to set up the displays. All those planning to display turnings are to get the title of their piece(s), type of wood, and name to Roger Domina in advance of April 13th such that the name tents can be printed An example is:"Square Edged Bowl", Maple and Wenge, Dallas James.
Rich Couture was recently in contact with a Jasper, Indiana saw mill. They are wanting a demonstration of woodturning techniques and will let Rich know of the date. A number of members indicated an interest in participating.
Dennis Young will contact Louis Duncan about the possibility of hosting the April club meeting as Eric Gourieux will need a big lathe for his demonstration. Brian Hart agreed to do a demonstration on chatter tools at the May meeting.
Susan Hansen will plan to request our meeting notice be placed in the Evansville paper going forward.
Demonstration: Roger Domina demonstrated a "poor man's sphere jig" he made; as well as the use of the Beal Buffing system.
Very good show and tell this month. Thanks to all that brought in their turnings.
Our meeting ended at 3:15pm.
See you next meeting. Don't forget to bring your showpieces for exhibit at the Newburgh Central Library!
And, as always, keep turning!
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Sunday, February 23, 2014
IKI Woodturners Club Meeeting Minutes Feb. 9,2014
The IKI Woodturners Club convened at 1:30pm, Feb 9, 2014.
Welcome to our visitors: Fred Crooks and Tom Ubelhor! - Thanks for coming and we look forward to having you back again.
Dan Davis gave a brief update on the Tennessee Woodturners Symposium recently held in the Nashville area.
Business: We discussed donating five dollars from each member's dues to the church, which has so generously donated their meeting room to host our monthly meetings. A motion was made & seconded to donate this amount. The vote was unanimous.
Roger Domina announced he had contacted the Louisville, KY, Woodturners club and confirmed that on occasion they have Saturday turning demo's. Their club has added Roger to their e-mail distribution list so we will be advised of upcoming events.
The Central Library in Newburgh will display our turnings from April 13 to May 4, 2014. We anticipate being able to display 30 to 40 turnings. As you identify what you plan to display let Roger know the title of the piece and kind of wood, for purposes of placing this information along with your name on the "name tent" that will go with each turning.
The club voted to sell the stand previously used with our mini-lathe for $100.00. Susan Hansen made the purchase.
We discussed the insurance policy our club currently holds through the AAW. A motion was made & seconded to retain the "Group Level" policy at the same $90 costs as last year. A vote approved the motion.
Dennis suggested we buy a live center, power strip, & extension cord for the clubs mini-lathe. After discussion, a motion was made & seconded to buy these items with a limit not to exceed $100.00. The vote was approved by our membership.
Demonstration: Keith Armstrong demonstrated how to make a goblet with captive rings. This demonstration was extremely well done. It was enthusiastically received by our members. Well done, Keith!
Many thanks to Bob Blandford for his work with media, and especially for his willingness to record the demo which will be placed on You Tube with a link placed on our IKI BLOG.
Great group of "show and tell" turnings! Thanks for the participation.
Next meeting: March 9th, 2014
Our meeting closed at 3:00 pm.
Keep turning!
Welcome to our visitors: Fred Crooks and Tom Ubelhor! - Thanks for coming and we look forward to having you back again.
Dan Davis gave a brief update on the Tennessee Woodturners Symposium recently held in the Nashville area.
Business: We discussed donating five dollars from each member's dues to the church, which has so generously donated their meeting room to host our monthly meetings. A motion was made & seconded to donate this amount. The vote was unanimous.
Roger Domina announced he had contacted the Louisville, KY, Woodturners club and confirmed that on occasion they have Saturday turning demo's. Their club has added Roger to their e-mail distribution list so we will be advised of upcoming events.
The Central Library in Newburgh will display our turnings from April 13 to May 4, 2014. We anticipate being able to display 30 to 40 turnings. As you identify what you plan to display let Roger know the title of the piece and kind of wood, for purposes of placing this information along with your name on the "name tent" that will go with each turning.
The club voted to sell the stand previously used with our mini-lathe for $100.00. Susan Hansen made the purchase.
We discussed the insurance policy our club currently holds through the AAW. A motion was made & seconded to retain the "Group Level" policy at the same $90 costs as last year. A vote approved the motion.
Dennis suggested we buy a live center, power strip, & extension cord for the clubs mini-lathe. After discussion, a motion was made & seconded to buy these items with a limit not to exceed $100.00. The vote was approved by our membership.
Demonstration: Keith Armstrong demonstrated how to make a goblet with captive rings. This demonstration was extremely well done. It was enthusiastically received by our members. Well done, Keith!
Many thanks to Bob Blandford for his work with media, and especially for his willingness to record the demo which will be placed on You Tube with a link placed on our IKI BLOG.
Great group of "show and tell" turnings! Thanks for the participation.
Next meeting: March 9th, 2014
Our meeting closed at 3:00 pm.
Keep turning!
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Thursday, February 06, 2014
As a reminder, our next meeting is scheduled as follows:
IKI Woodturners
Sunday, February 9th, 2014
1:30 PM
Morningside Cumberland Presbyterian Church
8419 Newburgh Road, Evansville, In 47715
Also as a reminder, dues for 2014 are $25.00 and can be paid at the meeting.
Keith Armstrong will demo "captive rings".
Please bring your turnings for show and tell.
Note: We are now on Facebook.
IKI on Facebook
IKI Woodturners
Sunday, February 9th, 2014
1:30 PM
Morningside Cumberland Presbyterian Church
8419 Newburgh Road, Evansville, In 47715
Also as a reminder, dues for 2014 are $25.00 and can be paid at the meeting.
Keith Armstrong will demo "captive rings".
Please bring your turnings for show and tell.
Note: We are now on Facebook.
IKI on Facebook
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
The toys, etc. made and provided by the club were
delivered to the hospital prior to Christmas and were well received.
We were asked to consider the possibility of doing something similar
this year for kids, veterans, spouses of those deployed, etc. Further
discussion to follow.
Just a reminder, yearly club membership fees ($25) are due and can be paid to Susan Hansen.
Roger will confirm we are still on the schedule with the Newburgh Central Library to display our turnings during the month of April. We anticipate being able to display up to 30 turnings. Please identify the titles and wood to go with your turnings for the "Display Name Tents", and bring to the February / March meetings, or e-mail the information to Roger (
Dennis Young purchased the new mobile base for the lathe. It looks great & was well received by those in attendance.
Thanks to those that brought jigs, tools, turnings, and ideas to the meeting. All were very interesting and it was a great exchange of ideas and discussion. Those shared and discussed included:
Just a reminder, yearly club membership fees ($25) are due and can be paid to Susan Hansen.
Roger will confirm we are still on the schedule with the Newburgh Central Library to display our turnings during the month of April. We anticipate being able to display up to 30 turnings. Please identify the titles and wood to go with your turnings for the "Display Name Tents", and bring to the February / March meetings, or e-mail the information to Roger (
Dennis Young purchased the new mobile base for the lathe. It looks great & was well received by those in attendance.
Thanks to those that brought jigs, tools, turnings, and ideas to the meeting. All were very interesting and it was a great exchange of ideas and discussion. Those shared and discussed included:
Dennis Young: swept back spindle roughing gouge.
Roger Domina: home made steady rest, sphere cutting jib, and small hollowing tools.
Rich Couture: jam chuck and home made hollowing tool similar to that of the Dennis Stewart model.
Hart: home made bar that mounts to his PowerMatic lathe to hold
lights. The lights he used were purchased from IKEA, part # 201.696.58.
Bob Blanford - pens; with one unique gun style mechanism (kit was purchased from Penn State)
Bob Blanford - pens; with one unique gun style mechanism (kit was purchased from Penn State)
Matt Ballis: carbide turning tools purchased on ebay.
Scott Allen: jigs for segmented turning.
Larry Pack: Mandrel Saver Tailstock Center (available from Penn State) & a Resp-O-Rator available from Packard Woodworks.
The following web site regarding making tools was referenced during the discussion:
Anyone willing to demo the turning in this link should let Dennis know: Herstellung eines Spanbaumes (Dallas, we're eager for your return!)
Next meeting: February, 9th.
Our meeting ended at 3:00pm.
Thanks & keep turning!
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