Wednesday, January 22, 2014


The toys, etc.  made and provided by the club were delivered to the hospital prior to Christmas and were well received.   We were asked to consider the possibility of doing something similar this year for kids, veterans, spouses of those deployed, etc.   Further discussion to follow.

Just a reminder, yearly club membership fees ($25) are due and can be paid to Susan Hansen.

Roger will confirm we are still on the schedule with the Newburgh Central Library to display our turnings during the month of April.  We anticipate being able to display up to 30 turnings.   Please identify the titles and wood to go with your turnings for the "Display Name Tents", and bring to the February / March meetings, or e-mail the information to Roger (

Dennis Young purchased the new mobile base for the lathe.  It looks great & was well received by those in attendance.

Thanks to those that brought jigs, tools, turnings, and ideas to the meeting.   All were very interesting and it was a great exchange of ideas and discussion.   Those shared and discussed included:
Dennis Young:  swept back spindle roughing gouge.
Roger Domina: home made steady rest, sphere cutting jib, and small hollowing tools.
Rich Couture:  jam chuck and home made hollowing tool similar to that of the Dennis Stewart model.
Brian Hart:  home made bar that mounts to his PowerMatic lathe to hold lights.  The lights he used were purchased from IKEA, part # 201.696.58.
Bob  Blanford - pens; with one unique gun style mechanism (kit was purchased from Penn State)
Matt Ballis:  carbide turning tools purchased on ebay.
Scott Allen:  jigs for segmented turning.
Larry Pack:  Mandrel Saver Tailstock Center (available from Penn State) & a Resp-O-Rator available from Packard Woodworks.

The following web site regarding making tools was referenced during the discussion:

Anyone willing to demo the turning in this link should let Dennis know:  Herstellung eines Spanbaumes  (Dallas, we're eager for your return!)

Next meeting:  February, 9th.
Our meeting ended at 3:00pm.
Thanks & keep turning!
