Sunday, March 23, 2014

IKI Woodturning Club Meeting Minutes 3/9/2014

The IKI Woodturner's Club opened our meeting at the Morningside Church.


Welcome to K.E. for joining us this month.  We hope you'll come back!

Our demonstration lathe system was improved with the purchase of a heavy-duty extension cord, electrical strip, and drive spur. Costs were kept under the estimated amount.

Our club received a letter from the Tri-State Woodcarvers Club inviting us to exhibit at the Wonders in Wood Show and Sell scheduled for October 25 & 26, 2014 at the National Guard Armory.  We have been a mainstay at this event for several years.   Keith Armstrong suggested we request our table be placed next to our demonstration lathes.  Roger Domina will make this request when sending in our registration and fee of $30 for an 8' table.   

The Newburgh Central Library will display turnings by our club from April 13 to May 4, 2014.  As our next meeting is scheduled for April 13, all those wishing to have their turnings displayed are asked to bring them to the meeting.  We'll plan to conclude the meeting by 3:00 pm and then head to the library to set up the displays.  All those planning to display turnings are to get the title of their piece(s), type of wood, and name to Roger Domina in advance of April 13th such that the name tents can be printed   An example is:"Square Edged Bowl", Maple and Wenge, Dallas James. 

Rich Couture was recently in contact with a Jasper, Indiana saw mill. They are wanting a demonstration of woodturning techniques and will let Rich know of the date.   A number of members indicated an interest in participating.

Dennis Young will contact Louis Duncan about the possibility of hosting the April club meeting as Eric Gourieux will need a big lathe for his demonstration.   Brian Hart agreed to do a demonstration on chatter tools at the May meeting.

Susan Hansen will plan to request our meeting notice be placed in the Evansville paper going forward.

Demonstration:   Roger Domina demonstrated a "poor man's sphere jig" he made; as well as the use of the Beal Buffing system. 

Very good show and tell this month.  Thanks to all that brought in their turnings.

Our meeting ended at 3:15pm.

See you next meeting.    Don't forget to bring your showpieces for exhibit at the Newburgh Central Library!

And, as always, keep turning!
