1:30 pm
We welcomed Bob Zimmerman to our October meeting. We haven't seen Bob in awhile. Also, visitors Merle & Darlene Koberstein attended. Welcome, all.
Everything seems to be on schedule for the Wonders in Wood Show scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, October 25 & 26. We are encouraged to be at the National Guard Armory by no later than 8:30 Saturday morning to set up. The show runs from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm on Saturday, and from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm on Sunday.
The SW Indiana Arts Council display of our turnings is coming up in December.
At the November meeting we will vote on club dues for 2015, and form a nominating committee to develop a slate of candidates to serve as officers for calendar year 2015.
There was a motion made to forgo dues for new members until the beginning of the year. The motion was approved by a vote of those present.
Susan Hansen, our treasurer, reported a balance of $2100.43.
The lathe chuck our club bought from Rich Couture will be available at the next meeting.
Don Johnson showed a cap he had embroidered with the club logo and then took orders for those interested. He also had smocks with the same logo. Very nice and thanks, Don.
Dallas James volunteered to demonstrate at the next meeting. Dan Davis will be backup. It was suggested we arrange for Jerry Ziliack to attend the November meeting to share his knowledge of exotic woods and discuss his business. Roger will contact Jerry.
Brian Hart gave a very interesting demonstration on making Christmas tree ornaments out of sea urchins. Well done and thanks, Brian.
Our meeting concluded at 3:00pm.
Keep turning!
At the November meeting we will vote on club dues for 2015, and form a nominating committee to develop a slate of candidates to serve as officers for calendar year 2015.
There was a motion made to forgo dues for new members until the beginning of the year. The motion was approved by a vote of those present.
Susan Hansen, our treasurer, reported a balance of $2100.43.
The lathe chuck our club bought from Rich Couture will be available at the next meeting.
Don Johnson showed a cap he had embroidered with the club logo and then took orders for those interested. He also had smocks with the same logo. Very nice and thanks, Don.
Dallas James volunteered to demonstrate at the next meeting. Dan Davis will be backup. It was suggested we arrange for Jerry Ziliack to attend the November meeting to share his knowledge of exotic woods and discuss his business. Roger will contact Jerry.
Brian Hart gave a very interesting demonstration on making Christmas tree ornaments out of sea urchins. Well done and thanks, Brian.
Our meeting concluded at 3:00pm.
Keep turning!