Thursday, December 10, 2015

Meeting Notice December 2015

As a reminder, our next meeting is scheduled as follows:

IKI Woodturners
Sunday, December 13th, 2015
1:30 PM
Morningside Cumberland Presbyterian Church

8419 Newburgh Road, Evansville, In 47715

Mat Ballis will demonstrate how he turns a "tulip", and Rich Couture will demo how he sharpens his tools. 
Please bring your turnings for show and tell.

Thursday, November 05, 2015

IKI Meeting Reminder, Sunday, November 8th, 2015

As a reminder, our next meeting is scheduled as follows:

IKI Woodturners
Sunday, November 8th, 2015
1:30 PM
Morningside Cumberland Presbyterian Church

8419 Newburgh Road, Evansville, In 47715

Carlos (Sam) Kell will demonstrate how he turns a peppermill. 
Please bring your turnings for show and tell.

Wednesday, October 07, 2015

IKI Woodturners Mtg. Reminder - Sunday, Oct. 11th

As a reminder, our next meeting is scheduled as follows:

IKI Woodturners
Sunday, October 11th, 2015
1:30 PM
Morningside Cumberland Presbyterian Church

8419 Newburgh Road, Evansville, In 47715

Rich Couture will demonstrate how he turns a 3 corner bowl.                 
Please bring your turnings for show and tell.

IKI Woodturners Club Meeting Minutes, Sept. 12 2015

Chad Cook, brother in law of Kenny Pate, from Nevada joined us as a visitor.  Bob Zigenfus, a charter member of IKI Woodturners joined us as well and donated multiple DVD's, books, and VHS tapes to the club.  In addition, he brought along left over turning stock that he provided to those present free of charge.   Welcome to both Chad and Bob, and a big "Thanks" to Bob for his contributions.    Please plan to join us again.

Our Madisonville, KY contingent brought along wood donated by Dave Mark's.  Thanks guys.

The Tennessee Association of Woodturners provided promotional brochures announcing their January 2016 (Jan. 29th & 30th) Symposium to be held in Franklin, TN.

Oaklyn library in Evansville is displaying a selection of our turnings until the end of October.

Mayor's art award ceremony: Keith Armstrong & Dennis Young demonstrated while Rich Couture fielded questions about woodturning.  The demonstrations generated a lot of interest. Many people took pictures & asked about future demonstrations.  Thanks to Keith, Dennis, Rich, and Susan for their support with this event.

The Ohio Valley Woodurning Club is having their annual symposium October 9 - 11, 2015 just west of Cincinatti.

Wonders in Wood, a venue in which we are demonstrating, is scheduled for October 31 and November 1, 2015 at the National Guard Armory in Evansville.  More details to follow during the October meeting.

The Jet 1221vs lathe has been ordered from Rockler. We were able to get a 10% mfg. discount, free shipping, and free of tax.   Total price:  $719.99.

We discussed whether to sell or keep our old club lathe. We decided to keep our old lathe at least until after the Wonders in Wood event.

Dan Davis provided a demonstration on turning an "acorn box".  Let Dan know should you have questions or need information in this regard.
The meeting concluded with show and tell.  Next  meeting:  October 11th, 2015.

Our meeting end at 3:30pm .

Keep turning!


Thursday, September 10, 2015

IKI Woodturning Club Meeting Minutes, August9, 2015

The IKI Woodturners Club monthly meeting opened with the introduction of new member Tom Selecki, and visitor Jim Parnell from Madisonville, KY. 
Roger Domina reported our club's display at the Oaklyn library in Evansville has 33 turnings being displayed.
Roger also reminded us the Ohio Valley Woodturners have their annual symposium scheduled for Oct 9-12 west of Cincinnati.
John Small has a 12" lathe for sale, and  Rich Couture a 12" Delta lathe for sale.
Rich Couture mentioned the Old Mill in Jasper is willing to display items for sale. Call Rich for more information.
The Evansville Mayor's Award ceremony is coming up on August 20. Dennis Young & Keith Armstrong have volunteered to provide turning demonstrations at the Victory Theater from 6 to 8 pm.
Our club has had ongoing discussions on upgrading our lathe. It was voted and approved by the membership to purchased a Jet 1221VS lathe. They are listed at $799.00.  Dan Davis, Roger Domina, & Rich Couture were assigned to find the best pricing and make the purchase.
Bob Blanford mentioned the projector bulb is wearing out. Our club may need to consider getting a new projector in the future.
Roger Domina gave a very interesting demonstration on making a coffee scoop using a jig. It generated a lot of discussion. Thanks, Roger.
We had our monthly show & tell with several turnings.
Our meeting ended at 3:30pm.
Next month Dan Davis will do a demonstration.

IKI September Meeting Reminder

As a reminder, our next meeting is scheduled as follows:

IKI Woodturners
Sunday, September13th, 2015
1:30 PM
Morningside Cumberland Presbyterian Church

8419 Newburgh Road, Evansville, In 47715

Dan Davis will demonstrate how he turns an acorn box.                   

Please bring your turnings for show and tell.

Monday, August 03, 2015

Turning a Small Bowl by Dennis Young

IKI Woodturners Club Meeting Minutes July12, 2015

Andrea Adams from the Arts Council of SW Indiana has requested our club provide a demonstration in concert with the Mayor's Art Awards event scheduled for August 20, at the Victory Theater in downtown Evansville.  Plans are being made to have two lathes available for the event.  Dennis Young and Keith Armstrong volunteered to be present to provide the demonstration.

Rich Couture was not at our meeting so we will plan to get an update from him during the August meeting as it relates to our club's possible demonstration at the "Old Mill" in Jasper.

Susan Hansen reported our club has $2554.54 in our account.

The Wonders in Wood event in which our club will demonstrate is coming up on October 31st and November 1st.

David Brazelton attended the AAW Symposium that was recently held in Pittsburgh.  He provided an overview of his experience at the event and encouraged everyone to consider attending next years symposium which is scheduled to take place in Atlanta.    One idea that was discussed was having a panel of peers critique our turnings, so as to improve & get new ideas.

Roger Domina mentioned the Louisville woodturning club recently made a day trip to Chris Ramsey's studio which included a tour and demonstration.  We all thought it would be a great idea for our club to consider a similar event if we could find something within within a reasonable driving distance.

Discussion took place around consideration to upgrading the club lathe.  The lathe that was discussed was:

Jet 1221 Midi Lathe
 - 20 1/2 inches between centers
 - Cast iron construction
 - 12 1/2 inch swing capacity
 - Variable speeds from 60 - 3,600 RPM (digital speed readout)
 - Integrated 24 position indexing
 - 1 HP motor
 - Forward and reverse operation
 - Retail price before any club discount:  $799.99
We will have further discussion in this regard during the August meeting.

Keith Armstrong gave an excellent demonstration on making a Christmas ornament. Very well done, Keith!

We had our monthly show & tell of our turnings.

Our meeting ended at 3:30pm.

Keep turning!


Monday, July 06, 2015

IKI July Meeting Reminder

As a reminder, our next meeting is scheduled as follows:

IKI Woodturners
Sunday, July12th, 2015
1:30 PM
Morningside Cumberland Presbyterian Church

8419 Newburgh Road, Evansville, In 47715

Keith Armstrong will be providing the demo.                       

Please bring your turnings for show and tell.

IKI Woodturners Club Meeting Minutes, June 14, 2015

Scott Allen announced we have two new dvds available to be checked out by our club members.
The Jasper Mill had our club demonstrate last summer. Rich Couture, the contact person, was asked if they wanted us to demonstrate again this year. Rich said he would call & report back next meeting.
The Southeast Art Council is having the Mayor's Art Award soon at the Victory theatre. They asked if our club could have a few people demonstrating during the ceremony.
Susan Hansen, our treasurer, announced the club has a total of $2172.00 in our account.
Dennis Young gave an interesting demonstration on bowl turning. Thanks, Dennis.
North Wood sent our club a box of wood for turners. 
Some club members brought some turnings for show & tell.
Our meeting closed at 3:00pm.
Keep turning!

Monday, June 01, 2015

Meeting Minutes May 2015

IKI Meeting Minutes - 5/17/2015

The meeting was held at Central American Hardwoods and hosted by its President, Jerry Ziliak.

Welcome to visitor Alex Steckler; we hope you'll be back!

Rich Couture reported on the recent display at the Arts Council of Southwest Indiana.    The  event was very well received as approximately 150 people reviewed the turnings during the two week event.    The Arts Council has indicated an interest of having us display our turnings again at some point in the future. 

It was agreed the club will spend $20 to cover shipping of a box of hard wood being offered at no charge by North Woods, LLC.    In addition, they are offering FREE Shipping to  club members through May 31st on any order over $50 by using the code "FREESHIP50"    (domestic shipping only and doesn't apply to already discounted items or special orders).

Susan Hansen left word that our bank balance currently stands at $2,554.42.   We will be ordering a couple more DVD's as additions to our library.

Dallas James reported he has a One  Way 20X36 lathe for sale for $2,500.00, along with other miscellaneous items.  Contact Dallas if you have an interest.

Joe Pack offered sycamore to anyone that can use it (free).  He expects to have it available for a few days so let him know as soon  as you can.

Jerry Ziliak provided a very good and interesting overview of his business, Central American hardwoods.   Please let Jerry know if you have need for any of his wood as he's offered a 20% discount to our club members.

Brian Hart provided a demonstration of how he does his off set turnings.   It was very well received and provided insight to his technique to making these unique turnings.

Thanks for those that provided work for "show and tell".    Dennis Young is looking for someone to demonstrate how to turn a basic bowl at the June meeting.   Please let him know if your interested in providing this demonstration.

Next meeting; Sunday June 14th.

Keep turning.

Roger for Dan

Thursday, May 14, 2015

IKI May Meeting 2015

As a reminder, our next meeting is scheduled as follows:

IKI Woodturners
Sunday, May 17th 2015
1:30 PM
-   Central American Hardwoods; 825 East Franklin  (Jerry Ziliak  - 812-618-7598)
-   US 41 - first exit north of the Lloyd Express way; go west on Virginia
-   Take an immediate left (south) on to Ferris; and proceed for about one block to Franklin St.
-    Turn right onto Franklin and proceed west.
-   After stopping at the stop sign at Kentucky Ave. proceed on west about 1/2 block and take a left  (between two buildings and across the street from 908 East Franklin).  You will see 825 on the door facing east.  Park anywhere in the back.

PLAN TO BRING A CHAIR as the facility is not equipped with seats for hosting a group.

Jerry plans to share his knowledge and experiences with some of the most exotic hardwoods in the world.  This presentation and experience will provide an opportunity to learn, touch, and feel about hardwoods he imports from Central America and distributes around the world.   He is a one man operation that manages this unique business from the facility on Franklin Street.    This presentation is not aimed at all toward selling these hardwoods to our group  (they are however available for purchase if interested), rather to provide an opportunity for eduction.  

 I've attached a picture of Honduran Rosewood Eye Burl in three of the varieties he has sourced from Belize and Guatemala over the years..  You can expect to see more woods of equal exotic nature.

In addition, Brian Hart is scheduled to demonstrate the turning of his unique lidded box.

Please bring your turnings for show and tell.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

IKI Woodturners Club Meeting Minutes, April 12, 2015

Welcome to the three 1st time attendees:  Ron Youngs, Ronnie Polley, & Ken Hermann.  We hope you guys will come back!

Given Mothers Day falls on the second Sunday in May, the group agreed to move the meeting to the third Sunday of the month, i.e. May 17th.  

The May 17th meeting will be held at Central American Hardwoods; 825 E. Franklin, Evansville.   Directions are as follows (we will distribute again with the meeting reminder):
-   Central American Hardwoods; 825 East Franklin  (Jerry Ziliak  - 812-618-7598)
-   US 41 - first exit north of the Lloyd Express way; go west on Virginia
-   Take an immediate left (south) on to Ferris; and proceed for about one block to Franklin St.
-    Turn right onto Franklin and proceed west.
-   After stopping at the stop sign at Kentucky Ave. proceed on west about 1/2 block and take a left  (between two buildings and across the street from 908 East Franklin).  You will see 825 on the door facing east.  Park anywhere in the back.

Packard Woodworks informed us they will provide our club a discount when making a purchase for the club.   They are working on a bulk purchase arrangement which may allow the group to pool an order for our personal use and receive a discount.  More details to follow as plans are finalized.

Plans have been made to again participate in the Wonders in Wood event to be held October 31st and November 1st at the National Guard Armory.  In addition, we have committed to display member turnings at the Oaklyn library in Evansville this fall.

Plans are now in place to display our turnings at the Arts Council of Southwestern Indiana, 318 W Main, Evansville. April 23, 24, & 27 are the available dates to drop off turnings to be displayed; Andrea Adams is the contact person.  A reception will be held on April 30th, from 5:30 to 7:00 PM  - members are encouraged to attend (especially those that have their work on display).  The showing will go on through the 14th of May and turnings should be picked up on the 15th.    Be sure and complete the required form to go with each turning and bring with the piece(s) at the time of drop off.  Keep in mind the Arts Council will retain 35% of each piece sold.

Don Ile has a cedar log which he is offering free chunks of.  Please let Don know if you're interested.  

Rich Couture has cherry and maple logs available at no charge.  Please contact Rich if interested.

Following is the link to the website associated with the "cutters" that can be purchased at a reasonable price: 

Rich informed the group at Karges Furniture Co. will be selling "wood cut offs" April 23, 24, and 25th.  They are located at 1501 West Maryland, Evansville.

Susan Hansen, our treasurer, reported our club has $2,429.26 in our account.

Scott Allen, our librarian, reminded the group that we have a large selection of DVD's and books available to all members for check out. If you know of a specific DVD or book that would be a good addition, please let us know..

Eric Gourieux provided a terrific demonstration on making a wooden hat. Thanks, Eric.

Next month, Brian Hart will be demonstrating.

We closed our meeting at 3:15pm.

Keep turning!


Saturday, April 11, 2015

IKI April Meeting

As a reminder, our next meeting is scheduled as follows:

IKI Woodturners
Sunday, April 12th 2015
1:30 PM
Morningside Cumberland Presbyterian Church

8419 Newburgh Road, Evansville, In 47715

Eric Gourieux is scheduled to demo turning a hat.                            

As a reminder, 2015 club dues are $25.00.

Please bring your turnings for show and tell.

Monday, March 16, 2015

IKI Woodturners Club Meeting Minutes, March 8, 2015

Our club meeting opened with the introduction of visitors:  Ron Austill, Ed Ward, & David Brazelton.  Bill Rogers was welcomed as new member.  Welcome to all of you.
Rich Couture had news from the Art's Council of Southwest Indiana. They have agreed to  host a presentation of 30 to 40 pieces of our club's work during the first two weeks of May. A reception is being planned to "kick off" the event.   The turnings will need a one line description of the wood and the price, if for sale.    Questions still unanswered are; will they sell them for us, what % will the Council take if any, the date and time of the reception along with expectations that go with this.  Rich will share additional information as it becomes available.
Susan Hansen announced The Bitterman Mini Shoppes (204 Main St., Evansville) will sell our club's turnings for a 35% fee.  Chandra Maxheimer is the manager and can be reached at 812-205-1920.   Rich Couture mentioned the Old Mill in Jasper will sell our club's turnings for a 35% fee.  Contact Rich and he will put you in touch with the appropriate contact.
The Evansville Vanderburgh Public Library has offered to host displays of our turnings at the Oaklyn Library on Oakhill Rd.during the August to October time frame.  Members present agreed to participate; further details to follow as we get closer to August.
The Tri-State Woodcarves will host "Wonders In Wood" on October 31st and November 1st at the National Guard Armory in Evansville. We agreed as a club to exhibit and demo at this event again this year.   Further details to follow.
Jerry Ziliak has agreed to host our May meeting at his business, Central American Hardwoods. This will be an opportunity to see all his exotic woods.  We will also plan to have a demonstration.
For our April meeting, Eric Gourieux will demonstrate the "turning of a hat".   Our May meeting will feature a demonstration by Brian Hart.

Bob Blanford provided a demonstration on pen making and shared his process for turning a pen from a corn cob. It was a very interesting and well received. Thanks, Bob. It was noted that Bob has many videos posted on Youtube at header RJBWoodTurner

We had our monthly show & tell where club members shared turnings they recently completed; discussed associated facets of each and answered questions from the group.

Our next meeting is scheduled for Sunday, April 12th. At that time we'll discuss the dates for the May meeting given Mothers Day falls on the second Sunday.

We closed the meeting at 3:30pm.

Keep turning!


Monday, March 02, 2015

March Meeting Notice 2015

As a reminder, our next meeting is scheduled as follows:

IKI Woodturners
Sunday, March 8th 2015
1:30 PM
Morningside Cumberland Presbyterian Church

8419 Newburgh Road, Evansville, In 47715

Bob Blanford will demo turning a segmented pen and discuss his process used in preparing and turning a pen made from a corn cob.                         

As a reminder, 2015 club dues are $25.00.

Please bring your turnings for show and tell.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

IKI Woodturner Club Meeting Minutes, Feb, 8th, 2015


The club meeting opened with welcoming first time visitor Bill Rogers. Welcome, Bill.

Rich Couture reported that the Southwest Indiana Arts Council has tentatively agreed to display our work during the first two weeks in May. Updates to be provided as we get closer to this time frame. Roger reached out this his contact with the Evansville Library System in regard to a potential display; pending her response at this time. Susan Hanson reported an opportunity exists to sell our work at a location downtown (please contact Susan for details), and Rich Couture indicated we still have an opportunity to place turnings for sale at the Old Mill in Jasper. Rich can provide details.

Roger Domina encouraged everyone to consider joining the AAW because they have so much to offer on their website as well as the American Woodturner publication, and reminded the Officers of our club they are required to be a member.

Dan Davis provided an update from the Tennessee Association of Woodturners (TAW) Symposium that was held in late January. Those that attended agreed it is a well run and provided a great opportunity to learn and socialize with other turners. The "beads of courage" program that provides support and encouragement to kids that are going through cancer and other major health issues and that's endorsed by many hospitals, is supported by the AAW and associated chapters. Chapters are providing lidded bowls/boxes for the kids to store their beads. Discussion took place around the possibility of our cub supporting this cause. We'll plan to have further discussion in this regard and in the meantime please provide Roger any input you have in this regard.

Attached for your reference is a copy of the TAW newsletter that was published to those that attended the Symposium:

Discussions are taking place with Sammy Long with regard to potentially provided a demo at an upcoming meeting. Roger will keep the club apprised if this comes together.

Tom Rusche asked that members let him know if you are an AAW member, and Scott Allen encouraged everyone to take advantage of the library offerings we have for check out.

Dennis Young provided a demonstration on finials which was well received. Thanks, Dennis. In addition, attached is a link to information provided by Cindy Drozda that offers insight to ratio's, proportions, forms, etc. she uses with her finials: The following also provides a link offering input to finials:

Thanks to those that brought in tools, etc. for sale, trade, or give away. It was noted that several items changed hands.

Bob Blanford will provided a demonstration on turning segmented pens, and discuss his processes for turning pens from corn cobs at our March meeting. The April meeting will feature a demonstration by Eric Gourieux.

Until then, keep turning!


Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Using a Fluting Jig 1/11/2015 IKI Meeting

IKI Meeting Minutes January 11 , 2015

Welcome to first time attendees: Bill Voegel and Jim Hook. Hope you guys will come back.
2015 dues are $25; payment was and can be made to our Treasurer, Susan Hansen.

A motion was made & seconded to renew our insurance through the AAW at a costs of $95.00 for the year.   The group approved by means of a unanimous vote.

Jim Scheu from Dusty Wood Warehouse presented information pertaining to his business.  Jim sells indigenous woods from North America in addition to many exotic species in 4/4" & 8/4" thicknesses. He has a sharpening service available, offers high quality plywood, as well as cutting board kits & completed cutting boards. Just let Jim know what you need and he will do what he can to accommodate.  Dusty Wood Warehouse is located at 960 Neubling, in Evansville, and can be contacted at 812-459-4969 or Website: Jim gave a nice presentation and provide the club with a host of turning blanks as well as 5 sets of wood made up for cutting boards. Thanks, Jim.

February meeting:  club members are encouraged to bring any tools and or accessories they want to sell, trade, or give away. 

Rich reminded the group that the OLD MILL in Jasper is willing to display & sell our club member's turnings for 30% of the selling price.   Susan mentioned a potential outlet to offer our turnings for sale; will check it out and report back at the February meeting.

We plan to hold off on having a meeting at Central American Hardwoods (Jerry Ziliak) until the weather warms up.   Jerry offers exotic hardwoods from Central America.

Dan Davis gave a very good demonstration on use of a fluting jig used on spindles.

Very nice work associated with the items presented during show and tell.

Please let Dennis Young know if you are willing to provide a demo at the February, March, or April meetings.

Our meeting closed at 3:30pm.
Keep turning!!


February Meeting Notice 2015

As a reminder, our next meeting is scheduled as follows:

IKI Woodturners
Sunday, February 8, 2015
1:30 PM
Morningside Cumberland Presbyterian Church

8419 Newburgh Road, Evansville, In 47715

Dennis Young will demo technics associated with turning finials. In addition, everyone is encouraged to bring any tools, accessories, wood, books, DVD's, etc. that you'd like to sell, trade, or give away. We'll plan to dedicate a portion of the meeting for this purpose.

As a reminder, 2015 club dues are $25.00 and are due now if you've not paid already.

Please bring your turnings for show and tell.


Monday, January 05, 2015

January Meeting 2015 Notice

As a reminder, our next meeting is scheduled as follows:

IKI Woodturners

Sunday, January 11th, 2015
1:30 PM - Morningside Cumberland Presbyterian Church
8419 Newburgh Road, Evansville, In 47715

Jim Scheu, owner of Dusty Wood Warehouse will be with us to discuss his business and is expected to have some wood with him for sale.

Dan Davis plans to demo how to route a flute(s) in a turned spindle. 

Reminder:  2015 club dues were set at $25.00 (with $5 of this amount going to the church).

Please bring your turnings for show and tell. 

And, we have a member that's looking for a 1 1/4 inch, 8 TPI faceplate.   Please let me know, or 812-589-8689 should you have one for sale.

