Rich Couture had news from the Art's Council of Southwest Indiana. They have agreed to host a presentation of 30 to 40 pieces of our club's work during the first two weeks of May. A reception is being planned to "kick off" the event. The turnings will need a one line description of the wood and the price, if for sale. Questions still unanswered are; will they sell them for us, what % will the Council take if any, the date and time of the reception along with expectations that go with this. Rich will share additional information as it becomes available.
Susan Hansen announced The Bitterman Mini Shoppes (204 Main St., Evansville) will sell our club's turnings for a 35% fee. Chandra Maxheimer is the manager and can be reached at 812-205-1920. Rich Couture mentioned the Old Mill in Jasper will sell our club's turnings for a 35% fee. Contact Rich and he will put you in touch with the appropriate contact.
The Evansville Vanderburgh Public Library has offered to host displays of our turnings at the Oaklyn Library on Oakhill Rd.during the August to October time frame. Members present agreed to participate; further details to follow as we get closer to August.
The Tri-State Woodcarves will host "Wonders In Wood" on October 31st and November 1st at the National Guard Armory in Evansville. We agreed as a club to exhibit and demo at this event again this year. Further details to follow.
Jerry Ziliak has agreed to host our May meeting at his business, Central American Hardwoods. This will be an opportunity to see all his exotic woods. We will also plan to have a demonstration.
For our April meeting, Eric Gourieux will demonstrate the "turning of a hat". Our May meeting will feature a demonstration by Brian Hart.
We had our monthly show & tell where club members shared turnings they recently completed; discussed associated facets of each and answered questions from the group.
Our next meeting is scheduled for Sunday, April 12th. At that time we'll discuss the dates for the May meeting given Mothers Day falls on the second Sunday.
We closed the meeting at 3:30pm.
Keep turning!