Sunday, April 26, 2015

IKI Woodturners Club Meeting Minutes, April 12, 2015

Welcome to the three 1st time attendees:  Ron Youngs, Ronnie Polley, & Ken Hermann.  We hope you guys will come back!

Given Mothers Day falls on the second Sunday in May, the group agreed to move the meeting to the third Sunday of the month, i.e. May 17th.  

The May 17th meeting will be held at Central American Hardwoods; 825 E. Franklin, Evansville.   Directions are as follows (we will distribute again with the meeting reminder):
-   Central American Hardwoods; 825 East Franklin  (Jerry Ziliak  - 812-618-7598)
-   US 41 - first exit north of the Lloyd Express way; go west on Virginia
-   Take an immediate left (south) on to Ferris; and proceed for about one block to Franklin St.
-    Turn right onto Franklin and proceed west.
-   After stopping at the stop sign at Kentucky Ave. proceed on west about 1/2 block and take a left  (between two buildings and across the street from 908 East Franklin).  You will see 825 on the door facing east.  Park anywhere in the back.

Packard Woodworks informed us they will provide our club a discount when making a purchase for the club.   They are working on a bulk purchase arrangement which may allow the group to pool an order for our personal use and receive a discount.  More details to follow as plans are finalized.

Plans have been made to again participate in the Wonders in Wood event to be held October 31st and November 1st at the National Guard Armory.  In addition, we have committed to display member turnings at the Oaklyn library in Evansville this fall.

Plans are now in place to display our turnings at the Arts Council of Southwestern Indiana, 318 W Main, Evansville. April 23, 24, & 27 are the available dates to drop off turnings to be displayed; Andrea Adams is the contact person.  A reception will be held on April 30th, from 5:30 to 7:00 PM  - members are encouraged to attend (especially those that have their work on display).  The showing will go on through the 14th of May and turnings should be picked up on the 15th.    Be sure and complete the required form to go with each turning and bring with the piece(s) at the time of drop off.  Keep in mind the Arts Council will retain 35% of each piece sold.

Don Ile has a cedar log which he is offering free chunks of.  Please let Don know if you're interested.  

Rich Couture has cherry and maple logs available at no charge.  Please contact Rich if interested.

Following is the link to the website associated with the "cutters" that can be purchased at a reasonable price: 

Rich informed the group at Karges Furniture Co. will be selling "wood cut offs" April 23, 24, and 25th.  They are located at 1501 West Maryland, Evansville.

Susan Hansen, our treasurer, reported our club has $2,429.26 in our account.

Scott Allen, our librarian, reminded the group that we have a large selection of DVD's and books available to all members for check out. If you know of a specific DVD or book that would be a good addition, please let us know..

Eric Gourieux provided a terrific demonstration on making a wooden hat. Thanks, Eric.

Next month, Brian Hart will be demonstrating.

We closed our meeting at 3:15pm.

Keep turning!


Saturday, April 11, 2015

IKI April Meeting

As a reminder, our next meeting is scheduled as follows:

IKI Woodturners
Sunday, April 12th 2015
1:30 PM
Morningside Cumberland Presbyterian Church

8419 Newburgh Road, Evansville, In 47715

Eric Gourieux is scheduled to demo turning a hat.                            

As a reminder, 2015 club dues are $25.00.

Please bring your turnings for show and tell.