Chad Cook, brother in law of Kenny Pate, from Nevada joined us as a visitor. Bob Zigenfus, a charter member of IKI Woodturners joined us as well and donated multiple DVD's, books, and VHS tapes to the club. In addition, he brought along left over turning stock that he provided to those present free of charge. Welcome to both Chad and Bob, and a big "Thanks" to Bob for his contributions. Please plan to join us again.
Our Madisonville, KY contingent brought along wood donated by Dave Mark's. Thanks guys.
The Tennessee Association of Woodturners provided promotional brochures announcing their January 2016 (Jan. 29th & 30th) Symposium to be held in Franklin, TN.
Oaklyn library in Evansville is displaying a selection of our turnings until the end of October.
Mayor's art award ceremony: Keith Armstrong & Dennis Young demonstrated while Rich Couture fielded questions about woodturning. The demonstrations generated a lot of interest. Many people took pictures & asked about future demonstrations. Thanks to Keith, Dennis, Rich, and Susan for their support with this event.
The Ohio Valley Woodurning Club is having their annual symposium October 9 - 11, 2015 just west of Cincinatti.
Wonders in Wood, a venue in which we are demonstrating, is scheduled for October 31 and November 1, 2015 at the National Guard Armory in Evansville. More details to follow during the October meeting.
The Jet 1221vs lathe has been ordered from Rockler. We were able to get a 10% mfg. discount, free shipping, and free of tax. Total price: $719.99.
We discussed whether to sell or keep our old club lathe. We decided to keep our old lathe at least until after the Wonders in Wood event.
Dan Davis provided a demonstration on turning an "acorn box". Let Dan know should you have questions or need information in this regard.
The meeting concluded with show and tell. Next meeting: October 11th, 2015.
Our meeting end at 3:30pm .
Keep turning!